Bridging the Gap between Transaction and Interaction
Interactive devices, commonly referred to as Interactive Teller Machines (ITM’s), are changing the traditional banking model and transforming branch operations. As proven enablers for financial institutions seeking to increase profitability, remote teller-assisted ITMs have emerged as providers of increased services at a reduced cost. Combining the benefits of face-to-face personal service with more traditional ATM capabilities, ITMs cost effectively expand the branch footprint, shorten teller lines, and allow for instant deployment of live tellers from a central location to match customer demand when and where live teller services are needed.
Certified Solution
CSF International’s SWITCHWARE® is certified to support the latest, remote teller-assisted ITMs from both NCR and Diebold Nixdorf. When a teller dispenses or deposits funds from the ITM, the transaction is recorded in real-time in order to maintain current balances and cash positions for the ITM. Teller assisted transactions are identified by unique transaction codes and can be viewed electronically by either SWITCHWARE’s System Monitor client application or the latest G4 Web-based Apps. Also included is the teller session ID that identifies the teller who authorized the transaction.
The ability to accommodate the latest innovations in profit maximizing technology is more important than ever. For nearly 40 years, financial institutions around the world have relied upon CSFi to support the latest innovations in electronic payments and self-service technology.