SWITCHWARE 4.0 New Release Features and Functions

SWITCHWARE 4.0 is the latest evolution of CSFi’s payment authorization and transaction switching software. Enhancing the raw transaction processing power, scalability and functionalities from previous versions, 4.0 is the result of many years of development and is fully integrated with our G4 web-based applications.

Full PA-DSS v3.2 CompliancePA-DSS (Payment Application Data Security Standard) is the worldwide information security standard assembled by the Payment Card Industry Security …

SWITCHWARE 4.0 Validated for PA-DSS v3.2

CSFi has achieved PA-DSS v3.2 payment application validation for SWITCHWARE® 4.0. In the wake of growing electronic transaction fraud and data leakage, the PCI Security Standards Council, has updated industry-wide standards to improve … Read more

CSFi Completes NCR Edge 10 Certification

The Clock is Ticking The longer an ATM sits without updated security patches and updates, the more vulnerable it becomes. On January 14, 2020 Microsoft will end support for Windows 7. CSFi has long … Read more

SSL/TLS Update

CSFi continues to advance the security of ATM communications originating from SWITCHWARE® driven ATMs using the latest in SSL/TLS security.  CSFi currently has two active international SWITCHWARE pilot sites implementing TLS 1.2 that … Read more

New Year…New Challenges

In 2019 threats to ATMs and cardholder account security are on the rise. The wide spread adoption of EMV chip enabled cards in the US has resulted in a decrease in card skimming … Read more

Annual ATM Vendor Conferences

In order to stay abreast of the latest in self-service technologies, CSFi continues its commitment to attend relevant vendor conferences. The past year’s hottest topics included fraud detection and prevention as well as P2P cardless ATM withdrawals.

Fall 2018 CSFi Newsletter, Issue 17

January 29, 2019 Fall 2018 CSFi Newsletter, Issue 17 Featured Story: What’s Next? From Skimming to Shimming Highlights: Success Story, Product Updates and EMV Resources